Cleanliness and Gardening Campaign
Continuing the cleanliness and gardening campaign for cleanliness and environment conducted by the Confederation of Bahadurgarh Industries for Jhajjar District Administration, “Let’s get rid of pollution” today
On the occasion of “World Environment Day” plantation in the park with MIE Part-A Fire Station in which entrepreneurs participated largely.
During this campaign, SDM of Bahadurgarh Mr. Saroj Rathi, HSIIDC, Fire Department and District Chairperson along with Kobi and Industrialist Mr. Ashok Mittal, Mr. Sunil Garg, Mrs. Rinki Kapoor and other industrialists, Mrs. Saroj rathi ji, HSIidC, Fire Department & District All other officers were present in the park during the campaign.
President of Kobi Shri Praveen Garg ji requested all entrepreneurs that we must try together to keep the parks beautiful and most importantly we should not throw any kind of garbage in parks and it is clean and clean Give your support in keeping.
Planting is our duty, if we expect to take oxygen, fruits etc from trees then it is our responsibility to plant new plants as well as consider their preservation. All existing entrepreneurs took life by planting saplings to take it as their moral responsibility not only on Environment Day but will continue to plant it regularly from time to time and inspire others too.
Thank you
Team Cobi